Village Vevchani

Од Марио Шаревски - Македонец — сопствено дело, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Vevchani is a village situated in the foot of the mountain of Jablanica 800 m over the sea level ,municipality of Struga , Macedonia.It has 2500 inhabitants.
The first settlement is said that it is from around 3 th century b.c.First written documents date from around 6 th and 7 th century with arriving of the tribe Berziti.
The name Vevchani derives from the slavic word VES which means VILLAGE.
The main event in the village of Vevchani is the Vevchni carneval.Some sources say that it is old 1460 years.It's a mixture of pagan and christian customs.

It's one of the most famous village festivals held in the Balkans. Essentially the Carnival is the ritual of calling after Saint Basil the Great, which coincides with the Twelve Days of Orthodox Christmas and the Orthodox New Year. The festivity is dedicated to Saint Basil the Great. Traditionally, this year from 12th to 14th January will be held Vevcani Carnival which is one of the oldest cultural events in Macedonia, which traditionally celebrates the arrival of the New Year according to the old calendar.

 Vevchani has natural beauties all around the village .It has many restaurants by the small river and hotels.The sound of the water can be heard, through the channels through the village.The water comes from the famous Vevcani sources, whose flow ranges from 400 to 4000 liters per second.They are located at 936m above sea level.Tourists can stay in authentic private homes / boarding houses. There are more traditional restaurants and boarding houses in Vevcani, such as: "Villa Alula", guest house "Kutmicevica", "Pupin's house", apartments "Vo Izori", apartments "Shutinoski", "Via Egnatia", "Domakjinska kukja", "Pelvec".
 Од Bogoevski — сопствено дело, CC BY 3.0,

For the lovers of hiking , there are few places the can be visited , like the picnic place "Jankov kamen"(Janko's stone) and "Vevchanska lokva" glacier lake.
